Author description: Antiprism is a set of programs for generating, manipulating, transforming and visualising polyhedra. The Antiprism programs are open source and use the MIT License, or similar permissive licences.The various programs included in Antiprism were developed for personal use. I wrote them as an aid to understanding and exploring ideas in geometry.The Antiprism site and project are developed and maintained by Adrian Rossiter. |
Google Sketchup: Intuitive, fun and free for anyone to use
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We believe powerful software can also be a pleasure to use – the secret is intuitive tools that work the way you think they should. Apparently, millions of people agree.
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Author description: Geodesicais an OpenGL(r) cross platform Geodesic modelling program that is designed to make advanced geodesic construction fun and easy to understand. The program is quite sophisticated and can generate dual space frames in Quad-Edge mode. Struts and angles can be measured interactively with labels identifying the respective components.Geodesica is programmed in C++ using a modified version of the Wild Magic 3 graphics engine; the UI was built with the FLTK toolkit. Geodesica runs on Linux™ and MS™Windows. |
Author description: DOMEis a program, by Rick Bono, for creating models of geodesic domes, spheres and related models.I have modified DOME 4.80 slightly to add support for OFF output, which can then be processed and displayed by Antiprism and other packages (but see also, the Antiprism geodesicprogram, which will make Class I, II, and III models based on general polyhedra).While I was looking at this I fixed some small problems I had getting DOME to build. I converted the build to use the Autotools, which will hopefully help with portability. I also made minor changes to the POV-Ray output to make it compatible with the latest version of POV-Ray. |
Small Stella

Author description: Small Stella can display and print nets for over 300 polyhedra. You just pick a model, decide what size you want it, and Stellafigures out what nets are required and prints them out. Then you cut them out, fold them up, and glue them together to build your own polyhedra!It is ideal for amateur model-makers or as an educational geometry tool for schools. You can always upgrade to Great Stellalater. |
Author description: WinDomeis a Windows version of the original command-line DOME program. DOME began as a set of geodesic math test algorithms for use in investigating properties of generalized geodesic structures.This continues to be the main purpose of my development of the DOME code. DOME should serve as a basic tool for those interested in geodesic dome design and modeling. All source code is also included in this package and is freely modifiable under the conditions of the GNU General Public License. |
Author description: CADRE Geois a design utility for generating a wide variety of geodesic and spherical 3D (wire frame and surface models) for CAD or finite element analysis applications or for generating detail design data for the members that make up the structure.Data output are tables of hubs, struts, and panels grouped into like types with detail geometric information.Drawing output are clean DXF files suitable for import for structural analysis applications. Compatible with CADRE Pro as well as most CAD drawing programs. CADRE Geo is an educational as well as a practical design tool. |
Author description: Quickly and easily create computer models of triangular panel domes with DomeMaker Express. For more advanced dome designs, you can also create kite and rhombus panel domes using DomeMaker Pro.DomeMaker now saves files in the DXF* format which can be opened in hundreds of applications like AutoCADTM, Rhino, Google SketchUp Pro, and gmax, just to name a few.Use these 3rd party applications to further enhance your dome designs and renderings. For those of you new to 3D modeling, gmax is a FREE application and is extremely powerful! |
Author description: Geodome: a small suite of programs to help you design a geodesic dome. The geodome programs do not have a sophisticated user interface.Many functions depend on other functions being executed in the correct sequence. Commands: some commands are given by keystroke, others via a menu attached to the right mouse button. The left button performs an action depending on the current mode (initial mode is rotation). The middle button always rotates. |